
Friday, January 9, 2015

Workout Review: TurboFire Core 20 and Stretch 40

I am nearing the end of my second week of TurboFire, and there were several new workouts this week, so I am a bit behind on my workout reviews.  Tonight I will review Core 20 and Stretch 40, the last workout from Week 1.

Core 20 -- 

Dude! This workout works EVERY SINGLE MUSCLE of your core, plus some!  The first half of this workout is a standing ab routine.  You start with your basic standing crunches and oblique work and then Chalene introduces the resistance band to your workout.  This little bit of extra resistance makes a huge difference, my obliques and lower abs were burning by the 10 minute mark.  Then you transition to the floor.  This is where Chalene turns it up!  On the floor, you are using the resistance band around your feet and spend most of your time in a modified v-sit doing various exercises, including some killer bicycles.  This part only lasts for about 5 minutes, but that was more than enough for me!  Then the band gets put away and you continue with a few more sets of bicycles (not my favorite ab move, but it is effective).  You then move into modified oblique crunches where you are on one hip lifting both your shoulders and legs, allowing you to move within your full range of motion on your side.  Way more effective than your standard oblique crunch!  An ab workout wouldn't be complete without some planking and push-ups, which is exactly how this workout ends.

Overall, this workout kicked my butt!  I'm used to feeling the burn during ab routines, but that soreness quickly goes away for me.  With this workout, on the other hand, I felt like it took your typical ab routine and turned it up a notch.  I was feeling this workout the next day for sure!  I will say that the stretch at the end of Core 20 is really short, so you have got to also play one of the two stretch workouts included on the DVD.  Stretching is so important, don't skip it!

Stretch 40 -- 

If you are sore and in need of a good long stretch, this workout will do the trick!  It is scheduled for the end of the week, and I really needed a workout like this one to work all the kinks out of my body and start the new week fresh.  The stretch workout moves at a decent pace, not too fast, but not pain-stakingly slow like some stretch routines I have done.  It is a flow style workout with a natural progression of muscle groups.  Something new I encountered with this workout was the use of the lower body band during some of the stretches.  The band was used in many of the lower body stretches (hence the name).  I feel like the band helped get a deeper stretch and allowed my body to relax into each stretch better.

I love how Chalene is focused on form all throughout the workouts, regularly reminding us to lead with our chests and keep our tailbones up.  One of my pet-peeves when I was teaching group fitness was poor stretching technique.  I'm sure my students were sick of my constant reminders, but form really does matter!  I can see this workout being my go-to stretch workout when I'm feeling sore. I also did this workout right before bed, and I was so relaxed when I was done, that I think I had a better night sleep!  

1 comment:

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