Friday, November 14, 2014

What exactly is Beachbody?

The last couple of days have been crazy hectic.  My husband's work schedule has been more demanding than normal, by toddler is sick, and I have my first two vendor events this week.  I've been running around like a crazy woman, staying up late, not taking care of myself.  I can proudly say that I have gotten my workouts in. I really do depend on my morning workouts to start my day off right. As far as the rest of the day has been concerned the past couple of days, all I can say is thank goodness I have my Shakeology. It really is the healthiest meal of the day, and lately its been one of the only meals I am consistently getting.  You know when you are so busy you just forget to eat? Yep, the last two days I have been guilty of that.  I try to eat six small meals a day, but the last couple days I have only been getting two or three meals in. Not good for my metabolism and certainly not good for my mood either. At least I know that I am getting the nutrients I need, and I have the energy to get through these crazy days.  And I can't forget to mention my amazing husband!
He is doing his best to be my fitness accountability partner in the mornings before work, devoted daddy when he gets home, and business assistant after the little one is in bed.  I am so thankful to have him in my life. 

I did my first vendor event last night.  It was a fun, and surprisingly, eye-opening experience.  I was surprised at how few people I spoke with had even heard of Beachbody or Shakeology.  Of the few people that had heard of either, even fewer actually knew anything about either.  I took this as an opportunity to share about how many programs Beachbody has to offer.  There really is a program for everyone.  If you are new to fitness, there's 21 Day Fix or P90.  If you love cardio, there's Insanity, T25, or Turbo Fire.  If you are trying to build and tone muscles, there's P90X, Body Beast or Chalene Extreme.  If you like to dance, there's Hip Hop Abs or Rockin Body.  Like low-impact? Try PiYo or Tai Cheng.  I could go on and on. Last I counted there were 24 Beachbody fitness programs, and I know of 2 more coming out in the next few months!  For anyone who says that Beachbody is not for them, or there is no way they could complete a program, I can tell you with complete confidence that they just haven't found the program for them.  That's where Beachbody coaches, like myself, come in.  We can help you find the program that fits your current fitness level, lifestyle, and goals best.  Don't have a coach yet? I would love for you to give me the opportunity to help you on your fitness journey.  At the top of this blog page, there is a "click here" button that will take you to the free sign-up.  Fill that out, hit submit, and bam! I'm your coach!  Super simple right?  So no more excuses, stop your dilly dallying and just do it!  I'm here to help, and my services are free!  The only thing holding you back is you!
My table set up at my first vendor event.  So much fun!
Stay tuned for an explanation of the awesomeness that is Shakeology.  I will be sharing with you how it really is the healthiest meal you can consume in your day.  We will talk about the ingredients, how it is made, how it is metabolized and what drinking Shakeology everyday can do to improve your health.  There is so much great info, that I just had to make it it's own post!

It is the start of the weekend, so I wanted to leave you with some inspiration to keep you on track through, what I consider to be, the hardest days to stay committed: Saturday and Sunday.  Remember, results take time.  If it doesn't feel like work, it won't work!  Stay focused, amazing results come to those the are persistent and consistent!


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