Monday, October 13, 2014

Motivation Monday

Here is today's Motivation Monday food for thought:

How many of you are so fed up with your body or your health that you know that somehow, someway, you need to make a change but haven't acted on that feeling? Is it because you don't know where to start? 

Believe it or not, you've actually already started.  The very first step, and, in my opinion, the most crucial step is making the decision that something has to change.  Everything else that comes after this step is actually easy in comparison to that first decision you made.  It is so easy to just go with the flow and maintain status quo, even if it is making you unhappy.  Admitting to yourself that your current state is just not working is difficult. You are in essence giving yourself a reality check, and that is sometimes a difficult pill to swallow.  

Now that you have decided you are not willing to stay where you are, it's time to figure out where you want to go.  Imagine what your ideal life would look like.  Pick one aspect of that ideal life and make a long-term goal. Then break that goal into smaller, short term goals or steps that will take you there.  Don't be afraid to ask someone for help. Everyone is on a journey of their own, even the people who look like they have everything together. They just happen to be at a different point in their journey then you.  

So what are you waiting for? Pick a direction. Make a plan. Let's do this!

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