Saturday, November 29, 2014

Rebounding After the Holidays

Congratulations! We have made it through the Thanksgiving Holiday!  How did you do?

I made it through Thanksgiving still on plan.  We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year, which allowed for me to be in complete control of what was served. I followed the tips in Autumn Calabrese's video I share in my last post.  I started with the veggies, visualized my containers to guide my portions, and stayed on plan!  Yesterday, however, (Black Friday) was not as successful.  Our day was a little bit off right from the start.  We slept in later than planned, were slow getting out the door, and because we were tired and a little lazy, we didn't make great food choices. We went out to brunch before heading out on our Christmas tree hunt.  I ordered a veggie omelet and only ate half of it, which was good, but the omelet came with pancakes, and I ate a bit more than half of them, so the meal was carb heavy.  I knew I was going to have to be conscious of the carb content in my meals the rest of the day.  Our Christmas tree hunt was a success!  We went to this great little tree farm about an hour south of us and were able to cut down our own tree.  Spending so many Christmas seasons in the Pacific Northwest has spoiled my me and my husband when it comes to Christmas trees.  We have to cut it ourselves.  It just doesn't feel right if we don't!  Hadley, my daughter, had a great time at the tree farm and helped us pick out the perfect tree!
When we finally got pack home and got the tree situated, it was time for Hadley's nap, and for us to eat lunch,  I was very good and made a salad for myself topped with leftover turkey breast.  The problem came way later.  My husband and I were busy cleaning up around the house and let our daughter sleep too long.  By the time we got her back up, the temperature outside was dropping to near freezing and we had to get the tree set up in the house.  That took awhile, so by the time we were ready for dinner is was way later than we normally eat, and we were burned out.  We ordered pizza.  I love pizza, like really love pizza.  It has taken me a long time to learn the self-control and discipline to limit my portion size when I eat it.  I stayed within my 2 piece limit, but knew I was gonna regret eating it later, and I did.  As much as I love pizza, my body just doesn't.  I retain water like crazy after I eat it.  I hate feeling puffy. This doesn't happen to my husband at all, so I don't know if it's just me, or if he's the weird one.  Anyways, this was a perfect example of eat like crap, feel like crap.
But.. Today is a new day!  I normally try to blog every other day, but by the time I had time to sit down and type, it was pretty late.  I knew I needed a fresh start after the day I had, so I made the decision to go to bed on time and save my post for today. It was the right decision!  Today I woke up, got my workout it, and started my day right.  I hopped on the scale because I was curious about yesterday's damage.  I wasn't surprised what so ever to see the number I did, but I was able to acknowledge my previous day's mistakes and push forward.  Great eating choices all day, and I'm feeling good!
My 3-day Thanksgiving Clean-Up Challenge group is in full swing, and my ladies are doing great!  They are getting their workouts done, and drinking half their weight in ounces of water each day.  I'm so excited to see how everyone feels on Monday when the challenge is through.  Monday we are starting our 21-Day Fitness Challenge, so we can be fit and fabulous for Christmas.  I've got an awesome group of women in this challenge who are motivated to make a change, get healthy, look fabulous before the New Year.  Looking forward, I will be hosting a FREE 14-Day New Year, New You challenge starting January 1st to detox from the holidays and get the New Year started off right, and when we are finished with that challenge, we will keep our momentum going through a 30-day Beachbody Fitness Accountability Group!  Interested in any of these fabulous fitness groups?  Fill out the form below to reserve your spot.
In honor of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, I'm doing a Save Some Money Sunday!  TOMORROW ONLY, anyone who buys a Beachbody Challenge Pack from me will receive a $30 VISA gift card from me as a thank you!  **offer available to new customers and my established customers only** Message me on Facebook, or email me to get in take advantage of this deal! If you are not a member of my Facebook Group, join us!:

Fill out my online form.
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