Thursday, November 20, 2014

Why I am a Beachbody Coach

I'm participating in a fabulous coach training right now with my upline coaches and one of our assignments was to share my "why", or my reason for becoming a coach.  I jotted down a bunch reasons that came to my mind, and it occurred to me, that this opportunity I have been given is just too great not to share with others.  Hopefully my "why" will hit home with some you and I will get the chance to share this opportunity with you.
When I reread all of the reasons I became a Beachbody Coach, I found that I could group my ideas into three big reasons: Helping others, Financial Freedom, and Flexibility.

Helping Others
I am a third generation teacher.  My great Aunt was a 5th grade teacher for her entire 30+ year career.  My mother is an elementary school teacher, currently 5th grade as well. I was an 8th grade teacher until the birth of my daughter.  Teaching, helping, and uplifting others is in my blood, and it is what I love to do.  I am very thankful I had the ability to stay home with my daughter after she was born, but I missed teaching.  I missed seeing the light bulbs going off when my students got it.  I missed celebrating the victories, big and small, when my students reached their goals.  I missed coming up with new ideas to engage and figuring out how to reach the tough kiddos.  I just missed teaching.  
I was given the opportunity to teach Zumba at a local gym a few months after my daughter was born, and I jumped on it.  I had taught Zumba as a second job before I was too pregnant to do so, and I welcomed the opportunity to teach again.  As a Zumba instructor, not only did I guide my students though an hour of fun, fabulous, dance fitness, but I was also able to help them with their health and fitness questions.  I would share the importance of stretching, proper warm-up and cool-downs, water consumption, perceived exertion, suggestions for cross-training, and many other topics that would come up in casual conversation before and after class.  I was back in my element and happy.  Then my husband's work schedule got more demanding.  I wasn't going to be able to continue teaching at the gym because I needed to be home with my daughter.  Family will always come first, and my job did not give me the flexibility I needed in order to keep doing it.  That's when I met my coach, Stacy, and she introduced me to the coaching opportunity.  I now help others reach their health and fitness goals as a coach, and I am able to reach many more people than I was ever able to as a fitness instructor or school teacher. 

Financial Freedom
I had always wanted to be a stay-at-home mother, but I didn't know if it would be financially possible for us to do.  After a stroke of luck with my husband's job, and researching the cost of daycare versus how much I was being paid as a teacher, it was a no brainer.  Daycare would have cost us half my paycheck, and knowing I wanted more than one kiddo, it didn't make sense for me to go back to work.  Our finances took a hit when I left and we had to do some creative budgeting to make ends meet, but I know it was the right decision.  We still have some debt, mostly student loans, but as my coach business is growing, I can see how quickly we will become debt free and it is exciting!  

I mentioned earlier that I had to leave my fitness instructor position because I was needed at home.  I needed a job that gave me flexibility.  I run my coaching business from home, at whatever time of day I have time, usually around my daughter's sleep schedule.  Nearly everything I do is through social media, so I can do it on my laptop, tablet, or phone, so I can work my business anytime, anywhere.  The flexibility is amazing!  It removes so much stress out of my life.  No traffic, no deadlines, no what the heck do I wear today? In fact, right now, I'm writing this blog post wearing flannel pj's and listening to Grey's Anatomy in the background while my daughter sleeps.  Sound nice?
Now that you have read about why I became a Beachbody Coach, are you at all intrigued? Wondering if this opportunity could be right for you too?  My team is holding a Sneak Peak into Coaching where we will be sharing what it means to be a coach, what we do everyday, and the benefits of becoming a coach, including the financial compensation plan. We will also answer any questions you have about coaching.  If you like what you hear and want to become a coach, we will help you do that, if you want to wait, or decide coaching isn't for you, no worries.  This is a no obligation, no risk, no stress opportunity to see what we do and see if its right for you!
Want to join our free Sneak Peak into Coaching? Fill out the form below, and I will be in touch!

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